Tuesday, 30 July 2013

My month in numbers ~ What's in your bag July? x

This month Julie set us all a number challenge. She wanted us all to share something we could do the same so this month is all about the numbers that have been in your bag this month.

Numerous mobile numbers texting and ringing me.....................actually not really that many but I'd feel stupid having the thing and not having something numbery related to it, heehee.

1 lipstick, I lipgloss and 1 skin improving thingy..............don't wear it often but sometimes it's handy especially if you meet a glamorous friend

2 sets of keys..................... housekeys and car keys

1 big bag of tablets........................ yep my bag is sometimes necessary to prevent strange looks from people wondering this woman has such a BIG bag of tablets.

Lots of those elastic hairbands cos I use them and lose them.

Ladies products....................do I need to spell that one out? Nope? Good.

2 packets of tissues for when I get emotional, usually that's alot.

4 pens.................my bag seems to lose them then breed them.

1 pink purse which has 2 zipped pockets and a card/banknote section. Mostly there is air wafting around in it but sometimes there is hard cash. It also has two jingle bells attached to ward off muggers.

1 book that I am normally reading currently it is a Mark Billingham novel

3 Magazines......................cos my bag is quite big and then I don't need a plastic one. They're not there all the time obviously.

1 driving license

1 bottle of sunscreen Factor 30 which has been used alot this month.

1 camera for taking Project Life and Rinda challenge photos and has taken over 300 this month alone. Phew.

1 Paracetamol extra box just in case.

1 tube of hand gel disinfectant................not sure why really but it's in there.

Sweet wrappers because they get caught in the seam and I don't empty my bag that often.

And very occasionally one of these, who thinks it makes a jolly comfy pillow...............


  1. Brilliant list! A bag big enough to carry magazines ounds good to me

  2. You see - this is why I wanted to get us all sharing on the same topic ... only 3 of us have blogged so far and already there are similarites.

    You + Deb both have portable pharmacies and germ free hands and I too have a pink purse. [I know it's a small similarity but it still counts!]

    Great post Jo - thanks for sharing.

    I've added you to the board now: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

    Happy August!

    Julie :-)

    p.s: The questions for the 2nd 'Communal Count' will be up on my blog tomorrow

  3. Fun list! Love your bag and am very impressed by your bag sitter as well. ;-)

  4. Oh such a fun list Jo - love the thought of your cat sitting in your bag! J x

  5. A book AND magazines - now that's a great bag. And I love your comment about the sweet wrappers.

  6. I am liking the totally random cat that u carry around on occasion. I love the bag by the way

  7. This is some bag, all that stuff you must be strong !!!!
    Great post.

  8. I'm really enjoying peeking into everyone's handbags - glad to see that I am not the only one that carries around everything with them LOL!!


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