Sunday, 27 October 2013

Everything stops for tea x

Good day blogland and welcome to another edition of Abi's meme where we invite our blogfriend in for a lovely cuppa and a chat.

So this month has been full of interesting activities, well I think they are, and new adventures. So come right in, sit yourself down on the sofa and I'll put the kettle on and bring out the cake. I think we'll have coffee and walnut today, what do you like?  I'll cut you a lovely big piece so you can recover from the journey and give you a fork as it is usually rather moist.

I will ask how your journey was and perhaps what you might have seen on the way. I would ask about the colours as I love autumnal shades and the trees are certainly looking lovely although many of them are already losing their leaves.

As it is half-term I would ask if you have any plans with your family for days out or activities. It is always fun to do things and I remember many fun activities from my childhood holidays which include blackberry picking, collecting berries and flowers for my grandad to make wine, going for long walks up on The Downs when we lived in Sussex or going to Beeston Castle when we lived in Cheshire.

I tell me about this young lady who I looked after when she was a tiny baby and look her now, all certified as a Solicitor and being admitted to The Law Society. She said she looks a bit Harry Potter. It seems amazing that she is so grown up. One of my other charges got married the other weekend which scares a little, it makes me feel so old but super proud I helped them get better and grow into such incredible young people.

I would tell you a little about the European Computer Driving License class I am doing. It is amazing how much I have learned all by myself and in a few short weeks I have been able to develop more new skills like mail merging which I excitedly used the other day for my dad. I was so chuffed to use something I'd learned to help him out.

I would ask what sorts of crafting activities you are working on at the moment. Perhaps we would talk about our ideas for Christmas presents and crafts to decorate our homes. I'm still humming and hahing about Christmas  presents myself but have a few ideas I want to consider. I will be doing Journal your Christmas again this year for about the 6th year I think.

 I am really excited this year as Kristin Tweedale is holding her weekend Holiday Extravaganza  on November 29th - 30th and I pitched a couple of ideas to her and she wants to include them so I will be sharing 2 projects over there, please do come and see all the guest posts that weekend. This is what a love about blogging, meeting new friends, finding fun activities and learning.

By now I think it's time to have lunch and maybe some homemade soup would be a great idea. Lovely Chicken broth with warm crusty bread and then more tea and perhaps seconds of cake?

I would tell you that AT LAST! Yes, it it is that exciting, my friend Luke is coming to stay this week and we are going to see one of our fave bands The Feeling. Do you remember the original dates got reshuffled and I went to the band's studio for an intimate concert with my friend Louise? Well on Wednesday night Luke and I will be watching them again live. We've seen them together 3 times and I've seen them another three by myself or with other friends. They are amazing live.

That's the gorgeous Luke, he'll probably kill me for sharing this but I think he looks like he's having lots of fun.

 and this is me with the amazing Mr Dan Gillespie Sells the lead singer( it's blurry because Louise was videoing us not photographing us so it's a screen shot from her video clip oops Louise x)

and somewhere in the crowd was me and my friend Louise.

We would probably talk about these two lovely men Ronnie and Elliot who put up this picture the other night. It all looks a bit Blair Witch Project to me but seeing as how Halloween is this week why not? They are doing amazingly well and are heading across Pennsylvania state as we speak.

I might show you the brochure for Cats which I saw last week with my sister and we might talk about the theatre productions we would love to see. Would you like a comedy, musical, thriller, drama or perhaps ballet or opera? I would love to see War Horse and Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake next year. Perhaps we might have similar tastes or completely different.

By now it will probably be getting dusky as the clocks went back in the night, hope you remembered. We will sadly say goodbye but promise to meet again to share our news and adventures. We would share a hug and I'd send you home with some cake, because why not. Safe trip home. See you very soon.


  1. I have really enjoyed popping in this morning: your enjoyment of your young charges' growth and development is well-deserved, and I am so pleased to hear your bright and upbeat tone with all these lovely events and people to look forward to. And I will be keeping a close eye out for your projects - Christmas never seems real to me until the end of November, so the timing will be perfect :).

  2. It must be wonderful to see how the little babies and children you have nursed are growing up. Without you, none of that would have happened.
    I took the ECDL back in 2001 when I was just going back to work after a long break and it was so useful. You'll learn such a lot - it's a good thing to do.
    You are certainly having busy times! Enjoy all your plans. Your friends in the US are doing amazingly well in their journey - what an achievement!

  3. Coffee would be lovely, but staying for lunch would be an extra treat!

    It's lovely that your baby charges have kept in touch over the years..just goes to show how much they have appreciated your care

  4. Thank you for joining in Jo. You have a lot of fun things planned! Enjoy that concert-nothing beats live music! x

  5. Jo .. I don't think I can leave ... you feed me too well!

  6. What a wonderful visit! And lunch, too - I agree with Amy: you feed me too well! I loved hearing all your news. Can't wait to visit again next month.

  7. I enjoyed reading about your month. thanks for sharing, this is such fun.

  8. ooooh cake! I'll stay a while if I may, I love cake. I love your writing too so you might have me around forever LOL

  9. What a lovely sit down and chat - and it would have been calorie free too if I hadn't been finishing off rice pudding. I does sound as if has been an adventurous month for you.


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx