Monday, 21 October 2013

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas................. x

OK I know Christmas is still 2 months away or as my iphone app says 66 sleeps but for those of us who like to Journal or decorate our homes DIY style it is not that far away.

Like many people I do a yearly Christmas Journal with Shimelle Laine called Journal your Christmas. You start on December 1st and finish on 6th January, or 12th night. I have done this for about 5 years now and love documenting the things I do with my friends and family, and by myself. It gives something else to focus on and celebrate the time itself. Since I have been diagnosed I have found December time a real struggle so journalling helps me remember what I am meant to be enjoying. The really special thing about this class is that you buy it the first year and the following years are sent to your inbox free. It is a wonderful class to take part in with loads of ideas and support. Shimelle will be posting the latest information about this year class next month.

There is also Ali Edward's December Daily project which is a short duration but thousands of people complete the daily pages every year. There is loads of information and tips on that link page about the project and I know alot of scrapbookers who blog and teach take part every year so again there is a great community spirit and alot of support and inspiration.

 I have already begun collecting my Christmas scrapbooking supplies together to make my album for this year and will share those nearer the time.

For today I wanted to highlight to great blog events happening next month which should help you get in the mood for journalling, DIYing, crafting and generally having a great time for free.

Firstly, Jeniffer Grace is hosting ''Frosty Festivities'' on the weekend of 8th -10th November.

Here is what Jennifer says about what she has planned......................

Over the weekend there will be posts every hour from 4pm-10pm Friday, and 10am-10pm Saturday and Sunday (GMT), including crafts, tutorials, challenges, tips, a blog hop (with a mix of old and new faces in the hop), and many, many giveaways! It will all be on the theme of Winter and Christmas, so we can get nicely in the festive spirit and share lots of ideas to see us through colder days.

Secondly  Kristin Tweedale is having a blog weekend running the last weekend of November 29th and 30th called ''Holiday Extravaganza''

Here is Kristin's description of her plans for that weekend of fun....................

What is it?

An awesome holiday-themed blog party with challenges, games, tutorials and giveaways. It’s a great alternative to Black Friday/Small Business Saturday shopping with a fun crafty twist. So hang out with us and get your craft on!

How it works:

Starting on Friday, November 29th @ Midnight EST there will be a new blog post each hour — continuing through Saturday (Small Business Saturday). Among the posts will be challenges, tutorials, games, and more.

Kristin is also looking out for inspiring guest posts so if you would like to inspire Kristin with your proposal the details can be found on this post. Having worked with Kristin's class Find Your Voice as a blogger and crafter, Kristin is very supportive and professional. She would love to hear from as many people as possible with great ideas. Go be brave and pitch your idea.

If you want any Christmas inspiration already then head on over to Pinterest, there are pins flying everywhere for just that as we speak.


  1. I'm getting my christmas supplies ready as well....I love making a christmas journal.

  2. I love that you are getting prepared for Christmas early! I love JYC and though I didn't get to participate as much as I'd have liked to last year, I'm hoping to be more organised this time around :) xxx

  3. I"m doing a December Daily this year. I'll be making the base pages this weekend and featuring it on the Frosty Festivities blog hop!
    I've done Journal Your Christmas several times but wanted a change up this year.


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx