Friday, 1 November 2013

My month in numbers ~ October x

Good grief is it the end of the month already? I cannot believe how quickly this month went or how rapidly year end is approaching.

This month's collaborative numbers idea was to count your mail.

Well this is my rundown:

1 postcard from my parents who went to Majorca in September but it takes a while to arrive
2 bank statements which personally I don't understand as I thought I did the paperless thing but ok
5 letters from the council for various things like Council Tax and Housing Benefit. Most of their mail got lost though as I discovered the other day so now they are emailing stuff to me as well.
2 letters for work

2 Tesco clubcard voucher set which sadly I didn't use because I don't buy any of those things. I have never been into chewing gum. But then a second arrived which was much more useful with money off my shopping bill yay.
1 CD which I treated myself to because it's by The Feeling and I wanted to be able to play it my car.
1 letter from my mental health nurse advising me about a workshop looking at Personality disorders which they think I may have, watch this space.
1 letter from my GP to remind to get my Lithium levels checked. Whoops has it really been 3 months. I have to get it checked that frequently to check for kidney and liver problems and my liver function tests have been a little derange of late.

The next collaboration idea was to choose a number and I chose the weather.

 So my numbers for that are 1 day of mists and mellow fruitfulness, and 16 days of rain and wind plus 14 lovely days of sunshine. We have also had some incredible sunsets of late which makes me very happy.

So what else happened numerically this months?
Well I spent 4 days Autumn cleaning my flat so that it clean and spick and span for Luke to come visit for 2 days and 1 night.

I went to the theatre once and once to a gig with Luke for The Feeling. So far we have seen them 3 times together, it should have been 4 but I was too unwell to go to Manchester in August.

2 trips for the recycling centre with books, clothes to recycle, rubbish and magazines to recycle after the mammoth clean-up.

We had 3 birthdays amongst family and friends and I've now made a proper list to keep my finger on the pulse because I swear I'm getting way too forgetful.

5 trips to Bristol, 1 to the hospital to see a specialist, 1 to see Cats then 3 with Luke.............. 1 to collect him from the station then 1 back that evening for the gig then 1 the next day to take him back to his train home, which made me very sad.

31 emails to Ronnie and Elliot for encouragement and the same number of Facebook posts with encouraging quotes as they walk.

photo courtesy of Friend Movement.

Phew that's an awful lot isn't it. See you next month for more numerical fun.


  1. Lovely to read about all your varied activities this month, and your sunset photos are glorious. Seems to have been filled with nice things and people :).

  2. You have a lot going on there Jo! I'm amazed you can keep track of all those numbers. That sunset photo is beautiful by the way.


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