Sunday, 19 April 2015

Amy Tangerine's Creative handbook - post 1 x

image owned by Amy Tangerine

If you love blogging, and I do, then you possibly have this lovely lady's blog either in your Bloglovin or blogging feed. This is Amy Tangerine and she is an incredibly talented and inspiring creative lady.
A couple of months back, she and her friend Jamie Waters posted a YouTube video which introduced the new Creative Handbook you can see in the picture above with Amy. In order to get this freebie all you had to do was fill out your name and email here. So I did and hey presto it was printed out. Now I have had a bit of a creativity hiatus and only got it out again last week. But it has been a really great push to reignite my creativity.

So this post, and subsequent posts, will demonstrate my personal journey with this handbook, and I will show you what I have created within it.

Within the handbook, are 5 practices which Amy uses herself to inspire her creativity. These are discussed in detail inside and there are pages laid out for you to vent your creative juices. The first practice is all about looking at the handbook as a side project to all those big projects we all have, and to dip into it regularly and create something fresh.

The first page to play with is this one...........................

In the video to accompany this page, Amy and Jamie use watercolour paints to add decoration, so I treated myself to some for £1.99 at my local outlet. This first page, I first decorated with a simple border and some stamping. I added washi tape to the mid-section. The writing above the top box is a basic statement you are asked to make.....................

"I plan to create more, live more, have fun, spend time in the sunshine, love, live and enjoy"

I thought this would be a simple but to the point mantra for where I wanted to be over the next few weeks, and to write it down felt like I was making an actual admission of intention.

The box below is an ideas box where I basically brainstormed ideas and doodled. In this area I have written about friendship, blogging, journaling, writing, memory keeping, photography and all manner of things I am doing or planning to do this year. 

In the bottom two boxes, I simply added in my reading goal for 2015 and some words and images for my One Little word - Light. I love how this page came together and it is so bright and cheerful, everytime I look at it, it makes me smile and remember my goals.


The second practice in the handbook, is about journalling your intentions. Amy explains how she journals and doodles in a notebook before she gets up each morning.

This page was completed one evening, in fact, and I wrote my three prompts :

  • make sure I spend time creating
  • be open to new inspiration
  • find fun in friendships

I find inspiration in so many places, from walking around my garden, reading, listening to music, watching the sky and dreaming so I felt these simple statements gave a flavour of that. Friendships are important to me, both on the Internet and in the real world, so I wanted to make a statement about that too. I find a great deal of inspiration from my friendships and felt this was important to remember.

This page is mainly writing, some washi tape and doodling. The writing is fairly personal and is a free writing exercise Amy suggested to get the imagination going. I found it really helpful in focusing me onto this handbook and what I aimed to achieve.

If you would like to watch the videos which accompany these pages by Amy and Jamie, they are below...........

Is anyone else working through this handbook? How are you finding it helps you?


  1. Lovely to see your enthusiasm leaping off the page from here! And that's a wonderful mantra ... I will head over and have a look at those videos. Doodling rules OK :).

  2. This is great Jo, I can't wait to see more :)


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx