Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Holidays in hand

So today is dark and dismal and to be honest incredibly cold here in Somerset. No-one in our house wants to go out so we, me and the 2 moggies, are snuggled inside watching some rubbish TV and checking out blogs on the blog train. So far so good. However it's not actually achieving anythinbg on my list of things to do.
For starters there is the shopping which came via Asda van this am which needs a home, mainly because I brought a load of stuff I don't normally buy for Xmas. Why I hear you ask? Well because I am planning on making lots of tasty presents this year. So far the list includes aChristmas cake for a colleague's charity cake stall, fudge for friends, nougat for my lil sis's bfriend, chocolate truffles for the chocaholics, gingerbread houses and shapes for the kids old and young. Then we have the digital calendars to make for family and maybe frineds if I've got enough appropriate pictures and possibly the odd scrapbooking page or minibook.

Luckily, we have a great Oxfam bookshop in Wells so I got a couple of g8 books for a couple of pounds full of crafting and yummy goodness. My mum also gave me Good Housekeeping for similar reasons.

So I've been loookin g for ideas for cake decorating and I came across this lady via one of our blogger colleagues, her name is Nicky and she makes the most amazing cakes. This is her blog and these are just 2 pictures of her amazing creations...............

...............these are called march of the penguins and are too cute to eat!

but she also has the most amazing flickr pictures as well which I found via this blog by scrapchick
So now I'm getting abit more Xmas inspired.

So far I've got the raffia in red and natural, pursuaded a frined to make me a wooden ring to make my own wreath for the door, rediscovered where I'd hidden the wrapping paper from last year, and the Christmas cards. Got several pressies organised from my present box. So I feel I'm not doing too badly.

Anyway I'm off to check out my shopping and see what needs to go where and then decide on which yummy thing to make first. Oh yes and see if my dad will give me some rum or brandy to soak the cake over time. Anyone suggest which would be best??? All ideas accepted with gratitude!


  1. You sound well organised! I'm loving the idea of all the edible presents..maybe I should send you my fudge recipes early?!

  2. I'm still sorting out just what I want to make for the holidays. I prefer brandy on my fruit cake but I'm not a rum fan in general

  3. Am hoping to make tasty gifts as well...have a great truffles recipe....mustn't make too soon though or I'll eat them!!!

  4. I am trying out some more homemade gifts this year :) just got to figure out what you can give to the male members of the family who might not appreciate an embellished gift! LOL

  5. I love the sound of your home made gifts, what a lovely thought :)

  6. What a great blog! and thank you so much for the mention on my cakes above and for leaving such a lovely comment on my blog! :o)
    I use Brandy on my Christmas cakes too....more the better I say!!!!!
    Nicky x

  7. It sounds exciting, all those edible presents! Hope you've got a Plan, so you can keep on track without getting stressed... Have fun!

  8. Well, for starters I'd go with brandy for the cake .. we need to get the important stuff sorted first! Brandy in the cake and brandy in the suace is what we do here. I love the idea of edible presents, I've done that a couple of times and I think the recipients quite like the idea as well. And, as for those cakes - they'd be good for my weight loss because I'd never want to eat them!

  9. Jo, if you email me your email I'll send you what you were looking for!


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