Sunday, 29 November 2009

Tomorrow, tomorow, I'll see yah tomorrow, it's only a day away............Annie.

OK, I am sorry to all readers who have been joining on my blog for the lack of recent activity, however there will be more things happening here from now onwards, I promise.

Firstly, some personal stuff. I have not been at my best for several weeks now and this week has made matters wose as I had a meeting with my manager on Wednesday and she told me I had kind of lost my job. Kind of becasue I am a bank nurse which means I only do shifts as and when required which up til now has been about 30 hours a week. Well as from tomorrow at 19.30 hours there will only be shifts for me if anyone goes off sick. So effectively I am out of work!
Thursday I had to go in and work 9-19.30 and no-one was allowed to know and tomorrow I have to do the same. It's very hard to do that especially when you really enjoy your job. Anyway, it does mean I'll have loads of time to craft and hopefully sort out the other problems with my health, but it eon't resolve my financial problems, in fact they will be getting worse. Anyway enough sob story, now for something lovely which is happening tomorrow at around 4pm while I'm working so I have to figure out how to blog in advance.

So tomorrow afternoon at 4pm, 19 individuals are going on a journey in a special machine which will lead to who knows where. Mine will be showing highlights of these lovely stamps.....

this gorgeous young man

and the raising of this beautiful lady.

Any ideas? Come over tomorrow afternoon when all will become clear.


  1. Hi Jo, sorry about the work situation - hopefully a new door will open for you along the way.
    I won't be joining the train on the platform in a live way ... far too early in the morning here - I'll catch the train later in the day!

  2. Hi jo, i'm so sorry to hear about the job, If it is any help, I'll keep you in my prayers. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! Seriously, have a go. They are so addictive and look beautiful on the table on christmas day. Ahhh very exited about the blog train. Uniform is all pressed and Ironed and I am hoping that my blogger has changed my time zone to england rather than pacific! Lol! toot toot, see you there! xxxxxx

  3. Oh Jo, so sorry about work - similar situation at our house at the moment so you have my sympathy.


  4. So, so sorry about the work situation Jo. I'm hoping something else works out for you soon. See you tomorrow on the train! x

  5. So sorry to hear about your job. Come to SA there is loads of work for nurses here! Tomorrows event sounds really intriguing!

  6. Looking forward to seeing all these blog posts - and I'm sure things will work out for you work wise - fingers crossed x

  7. My sympathy and prayers are with you too xx

    Looking forward to tomorrow, I do hope it takes your mind off things a bit xx

  8. Not good news there then Jo ~ I know where you're coming from though as my DH works for himself and work is not coming in thick and fast at the moment!!

  9. So sorry to hear about your job loss. You never know though where this blimp might take you.

  10. Sorry to hear about your work situation. Hope somthing new comes up soon. See you on the train tomorrow!

  11. Sorry to hear about the job loss can not wait to see where this train is taking us.

  12. Sorry to hear about your job news. I definitely understand finacial woes. I'm so glad to see that you are able to look at it in a positive light. It makes a big difference.

  13. Can't wait to see what is in store for tomorrow...

  14. Jo I am sorry about your job. I do hope it turns out to be the start of something better!

    See you later for the "surprise"!!


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx