Monday, 30 September 2013

My month in numbers - September 2013.

Hello and welcome to another edition of Julie Kirk's meme ''My month in numbers''. Each month we share a variety of things than we have done, read, shared, travelled or generally enjoyed and count them up. This month again we are also doing a communal count, this months is...............

So the first school I attended was Ringwood Infant School in the New Forest. We lived literally over the wall as our back garden backed onto the school play ground. It took a bit longer to walk but that was ok. I now live in Somerset and so I used AA Routefinder to check the mileage. According to that I currently live 68 miles away from my old school, less than I actually thought.

I have extremely fond memroies of that school. I was a milk monitor for a while, in one class we were all place in groups and each group had a dinosaur's name and I was in the brontosauruses. My friends at school were called Paula, Karen and Sharon and we got our first cat Sooty from Sharon's family. On our way home Paula and I were often invited into Mr Fanner's house by his carer lady as he had a stroke and waved to us everyday from his bay window. We were always given a little bag of sweeties. He was a really lovely gentleman. I loved reading and was quite good, enough so that one girl and myself were able to read the books in the locked cupboard because we'd read all the set books already.

This is my school .......................

This made me think about how many schools I have attended. We moved around alot when I was a child as my dad's job changed quite alot.

Ringwood: 2 Infants and Junior
Yorkley: 1 Junior
Nantwich: 2  Primary
Storrington: 1 Middle School
Steyning: 1 Grammar School
London: 1 School of Nursing.

Then I thought how many different places have I lived and how many times I've moved.

So I have moved house a total of 19 times and I have lived in 15 different places............

Cheltenham, Ringwood, Viney Hill, Nantwich, Storrington, Street, Mile End, Whitechapel, Bow, Reading, Cambridge, Southampton, Street, Woolaviongton and South Horrington.

I moved alot as a child but even more so once I left home because I lived in 2 different nursing homes and a flat in London, 2 different flats in Reading, 3 different places in Cambridge and 2 different places in Southampton. Plus I have moved 3 times in Somerset. Wow that's alot of moving and packing and unpacking!!!

How much does a pint of milk cost in Wells? To be honest I really don't look that often but it is 84 pence. I probably bought about 5 pints as I don't drink much tea anymore as it leaves a horrid metallic taste in my mouth because of the Lithium I take.


  1. that is a lot of moving about - love the photo of your first school

  2. Gosh, you have indeed done a lot of moving around, Jo! I really like the photo of your first school - reminds me a bit of mine. Hope all is well with you ...

  3. You sure have moved a lot in your lifetime! I enjoyed checking your numbers and photos this month :)

  4. I love the photo of your first school - and love where the memory prompted you to record your different homes - but my goodness you have done a lot of packing and unpacking! You made me count up the houses too - so maybe I need to record them too. Sorry to hear you are struggling with your health and I do hope you can get your meds right and feel so much better - big hugs Jo. I will be thinking of you. Jen x

  5. Yes, that's definitely a lot of moving around and I'm happy to have been a little spoke in the wheel that got you thinking back and reminiscing like that!

    I'm surprised you didn't just put a ladder against your garden wall and hop over into the playground! You must have been tempted - how very patient of you to walk around to the 'proper' entrance!

    You're on the board now:

    Wishing you a gentle October.

    Julie :-)

    p.s: The questions for the 4th 'Communal Count' are now up on my blog if you'd line to contribute again

  6. You moved a lot Jo! I have also moved many times. I may have to count up at some stage! I hope the medication is working and you are feeling better. xx

  7. I love how you did this; love all the numbers about your school.


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx