Thursday, 2 July 2015

Two on Tuesday ........................ on Thursday x

Oh dear, another day later. Will I manage the right day next week?

I do hope so. Anyway here is Two on Tuesday................on Thursday for your consideration.

My first is a lovely new blog and podcast site called Books on the Nightstand. I read about this site on Simon Savidge's blog site this week whilst trundling through my bloglovin lists of unread posts. As you may remember Simon's site is a fave place to find about new reads I might otherwise not consider.

This time he has linked to their Bingo card for Summer reading. What an ingenious idea I thought. It sort of inspired me a bit like Rinda's photographic scavenger hunt, in that it'll take me out of my reading comfort zone and perhaps encourage me to be more enthusiastic about different genres I shy away from.

If you go to this link you can generate your own bingo card for your reading too. I've got mine all ready so watch this space. Mine has a presidential biography and sci-fi on it, not my favourite so could be a challenge and a half.

My second offering is for those of us who still go Awwww at cute knitted animals. I love Julie's blog "Little Cotton Rabbits" where not only does she knit beautiful rabbits but now she has broadened into little knitted kitties. Being a kitty lover as you well know, I was excited to see her new designs and have bought the girl pattern to make. Perfect for the inner child in me but also for a little girl I know who might just get one as she's not allowed her own kitty yet.

Picture from:

I just laughed so much when Julie put this picture up of the cat's heads in the making. I mean really what's not going to make you chuckle about kitties in the baking tin?

Picture from:

See you soon.


  1. That is an eye catching photo!
    I'll go check out reading bingo

  2. Thanks so much for the lovely mention Jo and for the links, J x

  3. That's a kitten photo I had a big reaction to! I think I prefer the final one :). Looking forward to seeing how it goes for you ... happy knitting!


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx