Saturday, 1 August 2015

Rinda's Photography Summer scavenger hunt 2015 part 1 x

Every Summer for the past few years, Rinda has set a fun photography scavenger hunt on her blog. This years list can be found here. It is normally 21 pictures with some substitutions just in case you can't find one and people across the world take part.

This year I'm being a bit slow and haven't found as many as I thought I would, primarily because I tend to see things when I'm driving and there's no where to stop and park. Anyway, Rinda is having a link up so here are my pictures so far.

1. A bouquet of flowers

These were sent to my mum from all of us for her birthday.

3. A person walking a dog

This kind lady posed for me in Wells.

8. A person plugged into social media.

It had to be my friend Dale, he is permanently plugged in lol.

13. A merry-go-round or carousel

This one resides in Clarke's Village and even has a horse called Joanna on board

19. A ticket booth

This is one I have visited since the mid 1980s when I lived in London. You queue up for seats available from theatres in the West End and pay half price for top shows.

20. A natural body of water

The water in The Bishop's Palace rises from springs and wells hidden beneath the ground and give Wells City it's name.

How is your hunt going?


  1. You've made a good start! Love your Wells Cathedral shot!

  2. A fine set of finds! I liked seeing what you see

  3. That last shot is just stunning! And you've got a good start, and still quite a while to finish up!

  4. These are incredible. I especially like how you framed the Carousel. Lovely, as were all the photos.

  5. Love the photo of Dale, and that is a beautiful carousel.
    Thanks for joining in and linking up.

  6. all great photos - lovely flowers, lucky Mom. My favourite is the last one, natural water, beautiful landscape

  7. What lovely photos you've got there, and oh my that bouquet is beautiful

  8. Your cathedral shot is my fave. I enjoyed coming from Rinda's link up to see your finds ;) Good luck with the rest of the list!

  9. This is super!! I have a son like Dale...'permanently plugged in'.

    I joined in this time around and posted my finds. If you'd care to stop by for a visit, I'd love your company!!


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx