Wednesday, 21 April 2010

After almost 5 months........................

......................success, I got the job........................whoop de doo, lalala!!!


  1. Hurray!! I've emailed you, but I'm going to say it again here..we're very proud of you!

  2. WOO-HOOO!!!! So, so pleased for you Jo :-) Well-deserved! *hapy dance* xx

  3. *happy dance* I mean... Got carried away in my excitement for you!!

  4. So pleased for you....amazing news.

  5. Oh Jo! That is such wonderful news! I'm in tears here... All your hard work and determination have paid off. All that waiting and trying and worrying... all our prayers and hopes for you.
    I'm so glad for you. Bless you and I wish you great success in your new job!

    When do you start, by the way?


Hello and thank you so much for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to read the comments I receive and to meet new friends. I try and reply to comments on friend's blogs as much as possible. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and look forward to seeing you here again soon. Love Jo xxx